Vladimir B. Valâšek

Vladimir B. Valâšek

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate Professor




Born 23 June 1960 year c. Krukeničì Sambir district Lviv region . In 1982 graduated from the mathematical faculty of Lviv State Ivan Franko University, specialty-mathematician. Teacher.

In 1995 He received the second higher education at the State University "Lviv Polytechnic", speciality – "radio engineering".

After graduation he worked in the Lviv Scientific-Research Institute of materials (1982– 1988). Engaged in scientific work on the calculation of unsteady temperature fields in multilayered systems under the guidance of doctor of physical and mathematical sciences Nick y. m..

From 1988 in 2006. Professor of mathematics College of Ternopil-electronic instrument, Senior Lecturer, teacher- Methodist Technical College of Ternopil Technical University. And Poole.

From 2006 year. Senior Lecturer in mathematical methods in engineering of the Ternopil National Technical University. Poole.

From 2008 by 2012. He studied at the Graduate School of the Ternopil National Technical University with a degree in Mechanics of deformable solid ".

In 2013 year. at the specialized Council of Institute of applied problems of mechanics and mathematics. I S.. Pidstryhach NAS of Ukraine Lviv defended a PhD thesis: "Elastic-plastic deformation of environments with rectangular notches and particles", supervisor of doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, Professor Kriven′ Vasily Andreevich.

From 2014. Associate Professor of mathematical methods in engineering of the Ternopil National Technical University. AND. Poole.

Pedagogical activity.

Teaching subjects.

Higher mathematics.

Probability theory and mathematical statistics.

Optimization methods and models.

Mathematical statistics.

Methodological works.

  1. “ Probability theory and mathematical statistics ”. Part And.

/ Compiled In Valâšek.. OUR TC-Ternopil. – 2001. – 84 p.

  1. “ Probability theory and mathematical statistics ”. Part And,II

/ Compiled In Valâšek.. OUR TC-Ternopil. – 2003. – 156 p.

  1. Methodological guide with the course of higher mathematics/Compilers in Valâšek., Ivashchuk Etc.. – OUR Chicago TC. – 2004. – 134 p.
  2. "Series. Differential and integral calculus of functions of several variables. Differential equations "/Compilers in Valâšek., Šelestovs′kij B. G., Ivashchuk Etc.. – OUR Chicago TC. – 2004. – 92 p.
  3. Training manual for the course of higher mathematics for students of technical specialties all forms of learning / Compiled By Valâšek In B., A. Kaplun, G. Kozbur-Ternopil: Publisher TNTU – 2015 – 113 c.
  4. Tutorial course: "Optimization methods and models / Compiled By Kriven′ V.a., Valâšek. B., Provided By Hp., Kozbur G. V.. – Ternopil : publishing the TNTU, 2015. – 83 p.



E-training courses:
1. "Higher mathematics (And semester)"for the specialty 6.051003 – Instrument ;
2. "Higher mathematics (II semester)"for the specialty 6.051003 – Instrument

3. "Higher mathematics (III semester)"for the specialty 6.051003 – Instrument
4. "Optimization methods and models for specialties 6.030507 – Marketing, 6.030508 – Finance and credit, 7.03050901 – Accounting and audit

Research – research activities.

Engaged in scientific work tasks and methods of research of development of plastic strain in a neighborhood hub stresses.

Basic publications.

1. Kriven′ V.a.. Розвиток пластичних зон у тілі з прямокутною щілиною за антиплоскої деформації. / В.А.Кривень, IN B.. Valâšek, MI. Яворська // Phys. Chem. mechanics of materials. – 2008. – Т. 44, # 4. – С.13-20.
(Kryven V.A. Development of plastic zones in a body with a rectangular slot under antiplane deformation / V.A.Kryven , V. B. Valiashek, M. I., Yavorska // Material science. – 2008. – No 4. – P. 792-798.)
2. Кривень В. А. The initial stage of the plastic rectangular flaking on the unilateral contact with environment / AS IN.. Kriven′, IN B.. Valâšek // Mathematical methods and physical-mechanical field. – 2010. – Т. 53, № 4. – C. 107-116.
(Kryven V.А. Initial stage of plastic exfoliation of a rectangular inclusion under conditions of one-sided contact with a medium./ V.A.Kryven , V. B. Valiashek // Journal of Mathematical Sciences. – 2010. – Vol. 171, No. 4. – P 107–116.)
3.Kriven′ V.a.. Elastic flaking pìvbezmežno long the inclusion of finite thickness provided unilateral contact with medium.
/ AS IN.. Kriven′, IN B.. Valâšek // Bulletin TNTU, Special Edition, (Mechanics and materials science). – 2011. – H. 2. -P. 76- 82.
4. Кривень В. А. Пластичне відшаровування жорсткого прямокутного включення під дією зосередженої сили / AS IN.. Kriven′, IN B.. Valâšek, A.. Kaplun, MI. Яворська // Mathematical methods and physical-mechanical field. – 2012. – Т. 55, № 4. – C. 1-10.
5. V. A. Kryven’, M. I. Yavors’ka, A. V. Kaplun, and V. B. Valiashek
Plastic exfoliation of a rigid rectangular inclusion under the action of concentrated forces // Journal of Mathematical Sciences. – April, 2014. – Vol. 198, No. 2. – P. 119–131.
6. Валяшек В.Б. Shearing deformation elastic-elastic body with a rectangular inclusion under partial contact with the environment / V. B. Valâšek
// Bulletin TNTU. – 2013. No. 1(69). P. 64-71.
7. Boiko A. R.. Development of plastic zones in the lane with corner points under the action of concentrated forces / A. R.. Boyko, IN B.. Valâšek, A. Kriven′, A.. Kaplun // Bulletin TNTU. – 2014. – # 4(76). P. 34-44.
8. Rakoča And. Mathematical modeling and determination of thermoelastic State dvoskladovogo termočutlivogo cylinder for konvektivno-radiant heating / AND. Rakoča, IN B.. Valâšek//Herald Of TNTU. – 2015. No. 1(77). -S. 87-97.
9. Валяшек В.Б. Mathematical and computer modeling of the physical characteristics of the material in the top of the crack with consideration of the effect of strengthening the / IN B.. Valâšek, A. Kaplun, M. Ûzevič//scientific journal
"Computer-integrated technologies: education, Science, production»
Lutsk – 2015. – Issue # 18 p. 97-104.
10. Kriven′ V.a.. Development of plastic strips in the vicinity of cracks at the tops of the square cutout / В.А.Кривень, IN B.. Valâšek , A. Kaplun, M. Yavorskaya // Physical-mathematical modelling and information technologies. – 2015. – Issue 21, p. 125-133.