Love I. Tsymbalyuk

Love I. Tsymbalyuk

candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Associate Professor, Deputy Head of Department


In 1992 year. закінчила математичний факультет Чернівецького державного університету імені Ю. Fedkovych (now Chernivtsi National University named after Yu. Fedkovych) by specialty “Applied mathematics” and gained the qualification of mathematician.
In Ternopil national Ivan pul'uj Technical University. (then the Ternopil instrument-making Institute) started to work in November 1992 year. teacher trainer Faculty of pre-university training. In 1993 year. translated to the position of Assistant Professor of higher mathematics. In this same University since 1993 by 1997 year. studied in graduate school without quiting at the Department of Informatics and mathematical modelling, specializing in 01.02.04 – mechanics of deformable solids. In 2001 year. at the Institute of applied problems of mechanics and mathematics. I S.. Підстригача НАН України (.. Lviv) defended PhD thesis “The distribution of stresses in the layer, predefined flat and osesimetričnimi deformities “; supervisor – doctor of physical-mathematical sciences, Professor, academician of AES of Ukraine Šablìj at. M. In 2002 year. transferred to the position of associate professor of higher mathematics. From 2003 year. – Assistant Professor of mathematical methods in engineering. Title Associate Professor of mathematical methods in Engineering awarded in the 2004 year.

Educational and methodical work

Teaching subjects:

Higher mathematics
Higher and applied mathematics
Linear algebra and analytical geometry
Mathematical analysis
Probability theory and mathematical statistics

Methodological works:

1. Training manual for the course of higher mathematics (Linear algebra and analytical geometry. Differential calculus) /Compiled By Šelestovs′kij B. G., Fursevič L.. IN THE., Tsymbalyuk L. AND. – Ternopil: OUR, 2003, -61 p.
2. Methodical instructions to the section "Integral Calculus of functions of one variable" from the course of higher mathematics for students of all specialities of correspondence/compiled by Tsymbalyuk l. AND., Kaplun And. IN THE., Kozbur G. In. – Ternopil: OUR, 2004, -79 p.
3. The position of the functions and functionals. Guidance to the practical lessons of the course of applied mathematics to master technical specialties/n Curve. R., Kriven′ V. A., Tsymbalyuk L. AND. – Ternopil: OUR, 2004, -51 p.

E-training courses:

1. "Higher and applied mathematics (And semester)» ;
2. "Linear algebra and analytical geometry» ;
3. «Calculus».

Scientific research activity

Наукові дослідження стосуються задач про розподіл напружень в околі зварних швів, due to residual deformations. Published more than 30 Scientific and educational-methodical works, of them 14 in professional journals.

Main scientific publications:

1. Vìgak In., Tsymbalyuk., Šablìj At. Inverse problem of determination of residual stresses in skloplastinì with the rectilinear welding seam//mathematical problems of mechanics of inhomogeneous structures: 2 x t. – Lviv. – 2000. – Т. 2. – C. 270-274.
2. Vìgak V. M., Provided By Hp., Šablìj O. M.. Distribution of residual stresses in a layer, predefined osesimetričnimi plastic deformation//Phys. Chem. mechanics of materials. – 2001.- № 1 – C. 22-26.
3. Osadchuk V. A., Tsymbalyuk L.. Distribution of residual stresses in a layer with uvarenim cylindrical disc // Phys. Chem. mechanics of materials. – 2003. – No. 2. – C. 66-70.
4. In. Осадчук, Ю. Банахевич, L Tsymbalyuk. Influence of the width of the area of plastic deformation on the trivìsnih distribution of residual stresses in a plate with multiple rectilinear welding seam // Машинознавство. – 2008. – № 2. – C. 3-7.
5. Osadchuk V. A., Provided By Hp., Dzûbik A. R.. Визначення тривісного розподілу залишкових напружень в зварних з’єднаннях елементів конструкцій прямолінійними швами і оцінка їх впливу на міцність з’єднань за наявності дефектів типу тріщин
// Mat. methods and physical.- fur. field. – 2011. # 1. – C. 131-140.